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HomeNewsZimRights Calls for Repeal of Vagrancy Act Amidst Human Rights Concerns

ZimRights Calls for Repeal of Vagrancy Act Amidst Human Rights Concerns

The Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights) has denounced the Vagrancy Act [Chapter 10:25], highlighting its detrimental impact on the homeless population across the nation.

According to the Act, a vagrant is defined as any individual lacking a settled place of abode or means of support, surviving by begging or through disreputable means.

This definition empowers law enforcement to arrest suspects without a warrant, further criminalising those who aid or abet vagrancy.

In a statement, ZimRights called for the repealing of the Act calling for stronger protection of vulnerable communities.

“Last week, as part of our Blankets and Loaves Winter Care Outreach, ZimRights volunteers came face to face with the situation of many homeless people. Their stories are harrowing just to simply survive one day. In the People’s Human Rights Manifesto, our political leaders committed under key ask number 7 to provide land and decent housing to all citizens,” said the human rights advocacy group

ZimRights also condemned the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) for reportedly arresting homeless individuals under either the Vagrancy Act.

“We also learnt that the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has a tendency of arresting the homeless and charging them either under the 2 Vagrancy Act or section 46 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. We find this to be a serious violation of the fundamental rights of the homeless people that are guaranteed by the Constitution of Zimbabwe,” ZimRights said.

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In a passionate plea, ZimRights called upon all citizens of conscience to join their campaign for the repeal of the Vagrancy Act.

“We are inviting all people of good conscience to join us is calling for the repeal of the Vagrancy Act. We ask the Parliament of Zimbabwe, which is charged by the Constitution with making laws for the peace and good of the nation, to replace this archaic law with a progressive law that addresses the root causes of homelessness,” said ZimRights

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