Friday, November 22, 2024
HomeBusinessZimbabweans Urged To Buy Local Products

Zimbabweans Urged To Buy Local Products

Buy Zimbabwe has urged Zimbabweans to support local businesses by buying local goods saying this will create pride, wealth and jobs for Zimbabweans.

In an interview with 263Chat on the sidelines of their buy local vhuserere at OK Machipisa last week, the group Chief Executive Officer Munyaradzi Hwengwere said they are on a move to convince customers to choose well by buying Zimbabwean products.

“For those who go to church they know about vhuserere, this is to tell people to choose well and in this case, we are saying people should choose well by buying Zimbabwean products like Nestle.

“It is not just buying a product but you are supporting a farmer out there, you are supporting someone who has a family such that he or she will be able to pay school fees,”  he said.

He added that they are doing the exercise every week such that people will get to know the importance of buying local goods.

“So vhuserere basically is this whole program where we all come together to do what is fine, so as Buy Zimbabwe we look at three things that is pride, wealth and jobs. So every week we go out there to the shops to make people understand why they should buy local goods.

ALSO ON 263Chat:  The Nexus Betweem Zim's FDI and GDP.

“We try by all means to convince customers in the shops such that they will understand about why they should buy local goods. Sometimes we forget that we make our lives and when we pay on the till we choose to make our selves either poor or rich.

“In this case, we are saying if you buy a local product, you are literally making your self-rich and why do you choose to be poor by buying foreign goods?,” added Hwengwere.


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