Monday, September 9, 2024
HomeEnvironmentVeldfire Tragedy Claims Second Victim in Mashonaland West Province

Veldfire Tragedy Claims Second Victim in Mashonaland West Province

In a tragic incident, veldfires have claimed another life in Mashonaland West, bringing the total to two fatalities since the onset of the veldfire restriction period on July 1, 2024.

The latest victim, an elderly woman from Silverstar Village 2 in Ward 9 of Mhondoro Ngezi District was killed in a veldfire that reignited after initially being contained.

According to Amkela Sidange, the Environmental Management Agency’s (EMA) environmental education and publicity manager, the fire started around 1:00 PM on Sunday, July 28, 2024.

“A Veldfire started near village 2, Silverstar village gardens and was seen by one of the villagers who quickly notified other villagers in the area. A group of about twelve (12) people including the deceased went out to extinguish the fire. The group managed to contain the fire and went back to their homesteads,” Sidange said

Tragically, Sidange said the fire reignited moments later, setting the elderly woman’s garden ablaze.

“Moments later, the veld fire reignited and the deceased’s garden caught fire prompting her to team up with her twelve (12) year old grandson and some close relatives in extinguishing the fire. Unfortunately, she was caught in the fire and burnt beyond recognition. Other villagers were advised and rushed to assist but could not save her. The cause of the fire is still not known as investigations are still in progress and the veld fire burnt approximately six (6) hectares and five (5) gardens.

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“This incident comes hard on the heels of the loss of a disabled man under circumstances associated with a veld fire in the St Faiths area of Makoni District in Manicaland. Since the beginning of the Veldfire restriction season on the 1st of July to date, a cumulative total of 150 538.84 ha of land has been affected by Veldfire from 571 recorded fire incidences. The analysis of the average area burnt per incident is higher at 232.01 hectares in 2024 compared to 58.12 hectares in 2023,” she said

Sidange added “This can be attributed to slow response to veld fires hence the need for increased participation of stakeholders in awareness programme to prevent veld fires. The most affected provinces so far by veld fires are Mashonaland West Province (56.21%), Mashonaland Central Province (9.12%), and Midlands Province (9.04%).

“The least affected provinces are the urban metropolitan provinces of Bulawayo and Harare respectively because of their urban set up though there is need for all systems to remain on the alert for any Veldfire outbreak especially in the peri-urban areas. The Agency is therefore continuously urging the nation to be responsible when handling fires during this period when we are at most vulnerable to Veldfires.

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“It is also encouraged that only able-bodied people of the ages of 16 to 65 years should participate in fighting veldfires to protect the vulnerable members of the society. Technical departments such as Forestry Commission, AGRITEX and EMA will continue to offer capacity building in firefighting to communities. Members of the public are also encouraged to report veldfires within 7 days to Traditional leaders, ZRP, Local Authority, Forestry Commission, AGRITEX and EMA.”

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