Dear RBZ Governor Mangudya
I write this letter after spending five days without water in my suburb and also after several typhoid cases have been reported in Harare. I reside in Harare.
I write to express my personal opinion on bond notes. In 2007/8 Local Authorities grappled with cholera. Besides the ageing infrastructure the other chief cause of cholera was the incapacity to adequately treat raw water in Harare. The then bearer cheques could not buy water treatment chemicals outside the country. Converting bearer cheques to foreign currency was badly affected by the thriving black market which controlled exchange rate. Quintillions and sextillions of dollars failed to secure USD50 during that era. May i refresh your memory by informing you that Zimbabwe has a dual economy and much of our economic activities are in the informal sector. EXCHANGE RATES ARE THEREFORE LARGELY CONTROLLED IN THERE IF ZIMBABWE ADOPTS BOND NOTES. The City of Harare currently require US$2,5 million per month to purify water. I know you will not guarantee and manage providing this money to the Local Authority.
I do not want more cholera in my ward and my house. Your bond notes will adversely affect the responsibility of City of Harare to protect, respect and fulfill section 77a of Constitution Amendment 20. The right to water will never materialize.
Please stop this cholera avalanche called BOND NOTES.
#RejectCholera #RejectBondNotes.
Yours Truly