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HomeNewsPolice Defends Actions After Arrests of 44 ZINASU Activists, Denies Role in Violence

Police Defends Actions After Arrests of 44 ZINASU Activists, Denies Role in Violence

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) says the arrest of 44 Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU) follows a violent altercation at the ZESA Training Centre in Belvedere earlier today.

According to the police national spokesperson, Commissioner Paul Nyathi the arrests were a response to the outbreak of violence among the activists, which resulted in significant damage to both ZESA and state property.

In a statement, Commissioner Nyathi clarified that the police intervention was necessary to restore order after the situation escalated beyond control.

“The Police were only called in after violence erupted amongst the ZINASU group. The violence led to the destruction of ZESA and State property,” Nyathi said.

The ZRP’s response comes in light of accusations from human rights lawyers, civic organizations, and various social media platforms, which suggested that the police were responsible for instigating the violence.

Commissioner Nyathi vehemently denies these claims, asserting that the allegations are unsubstantiated and incorrect urging civic organizations and the public to verify facts with the police before making statements or posting allegations online.

“We appeal to civic organizations to verify with Police before issuing statements or raising unsubstantiated allegations. The Zimbabwe Republic Police reiterates that there are laws to be observed in the country and anyone who engages in acts of violence and destruction of property will be brought to book,” Nyathi said

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The police also emphasized the importance of adhering to the Maintenance of Peace and Order Act, Chapter 11:23, which governs the conduct of political gatherings.

“Those organizing political gatherings should comply with safety and security provisions and tenets of the Act,” Nyathi added.

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