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HomeNewsMuzorewa Calls for a United Opposition for the Betterment of Zimbabwe

Muzorewa Calls for a United Opposition for the Betterment of Zimbabwe

Leader of the opposition United African National Council (UANC) Dr. Gwinyai Muzorewa has called for unity among the country’s opposition political parties in order to bring a better Zimbabwe for everyone.

Speaking to journalists in Harare yesterday, Muzorewa said political parties should set aside their differences for a good cause.

“By coming together, the opposition parties aim to create an indomitable force capable of challenging the status quo and ushering in much-needed change.

“It will be able to hold the government accountable for its actions and advocate for reforms that would benefit the people. We have to put aside our differences to stand united for the greater good. We acknowledge that our diversity is our greatest strength, and together, we can achieve far more than we ever could alone,” Muzorewa said

Rev. Muzorewa’s pointed to South Africa as a successful example of inclusive governance, suggesting that Zimbabwe should take a page from its neighbor’s playbook.

“I’m working for uniting the opposition parties because a lot of us share the same ideas, but we just come from different houses. Some people are in politics in order to get a house or a farm. I’m in politics in order to put this work in order,” he said

Muzorewa’s message to the SADC was clear and pointed, advocating for support in the form of ideas rather than interference.

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“So, I will say to SADC, please help us with ideas, not interference, not interruption, but with ideas of how to all unite as opposition parties and form a government. Again, I’ve said that we really have to think in terms of inclusive government. South Africa is a good example right now. They have decided to work together with various parties and opposition parties, and now I think we have to do this. Zimbabwe should learn from a neighbor, learn good things from a neighbor.

“I can say right now to SADC people, please encourage various opposition people who are in Zimbabwe to consider working together,” he said

Muzorewa said if given the chance he is open to meet SADC heads of state to discuss issues concerning Zimbabwe and the region.

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