Tuesday, July 2, 2024
HomeNewsGovt to Clamp Down on Subversive Activities: Minister Muswere

Govt to Clamp Down on Subversive Activities: Minister Muswere

The Government has issued a stern warning against attempts to instigate chaos and unrest by certain opposition elements and civil society organizations.

In a statement, Information Publicity and Broadcasting Service Minister Jenfan Muswere, outlined Government’s commitment to maintaining law and order amidst what it describes as subversive activities.

“Government has observed attempts to instigate anarchy and despondency by some criminal and opportunistic elements in the opposition; some politicians and some Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). This is in line with their well-documented modus operandi to seek attention and raise funding to try to resurrect their political careers through subverting the will of the people,” said Muswere.

Muswere claims these groups are engaging in deliberate acts designed to destabilize the country and undermine the rule of law.

“Therefore, as Government we are warning perpetrators of these serial choreographed theatrics who are involved in subversive activities aimed at undermining the rule of law that their days are numbered and that their lawless plans will never see the light of day. To this end, the Government reaffirms its commitment to protecting the nation and the citizens by ensuring that law and order prevails,” he said

The minister highlighted the government’s readiness to take decisive action against those found to be instigating unrest.

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“Law enforcement agencies will not hesitate to apprehend all those who undermine the justice delivery system through causing chaos and mayhem. Finally, the Government is assuring Members of the Public that the security forces have adequate capacity to maintain law and order in terms of the constitutional mandate,” Muswere said

His statements come at a time opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) members have demanded the release of Jameson Timba a senior official and 78 other party members from prison after their arrest on charges of unlawful gathering on June 16.

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