Monday, September 16, 2024
HomeNewsGovt Allocates Z$70 Million to Political Parties

Govt Allocates Z$70 Million to Political Parties

The Zimbabwean government has officially disbursed Z$70 million to the country’s two major political parties in accordance with the Political Parties (Finance) Act [Chapter 2:11], as outlined in Government Gazette General Notice 1377 of 2024.

The funds have been divided between the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) and the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) based on their respective shares of votes in last year’s elections.

Justice, Legal, and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi made the announcement, confirming the amounts allocated to each party under section 3(2) of the Political Parties (Finance) Act.

“IT is hereby notified, in terms of section 3(2) of the Political Parties (Finance) Act [Chapter 2:11], that the total amount of moneys payable to political parties in respect of the year beginning 1st January, 2024, and ending on the 31st of December, 2024, is seventy million ZIG dollars only,” Ziyambi said.

The funds have been allocated proportionally based on each party’s performance in the national elections, with ZANU-PF receiving the lion’s share due to its significant lead in the vote count.

“The money shall be disbursed to political parties that qualify in terms of section 3(3) of the Act as follows — (a) forty-seven million eight hundred and eighty-three thousand five hundred ZiG dollars (Zig 47 883 500,00) shall be paid to the Zimbabwe African National Union (Patriotic Front) ZANU (PF) which received 68.4049 % of the votes cast; and twenty-two million one hundred and sixteen thousand five hundred ZiG dollars (Zig 22 116 500,00) shall be paid to the Citizen Coalition for Change— (CCC) which received 31,5950 % of the total votes cast,” Ziyambi added.

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ZANU-PF, which has maintained a strong grip on political power for the past 44 years secured over two-thirds of the vote, entitling it to nearly Z$48 million.

Meanwhile, faction ridden Citizen Coalition for Change will receive just over Z$22 million after securing approximately 31.6% of the total votes cast.

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