Monday, September 16, 2024
HomeEnvironmentEnvironmental Advocacy Group Applauds Riverbed Mining Ban

Environmental Advocacy Group Applauds Riverbed Mining Ban

The Network for Environmental and Climate Justice (NECJ), an environmental advocacy organisation, has hailed government’s decision to ban riverbed mining.

On Tuesday, the government announced an immediate ban on all riverbed mining activities in response to widespread environmental degradation.

In a statement, NECJ described the move as a critical step toward safeguarding the nation’s ecosystems and communities.

“The Network for Environmental and Climate Justice (NECJ) welcomes the latest decision by Cabinet to ban riverbed mining. The move is a right step in terms of addressing the environmental, social and economic impacts associated with riverbed mining,” read the statement.

According to NECJ, the practice has wreaked havoc on aquatic ecosystems, leading to the destruction of plant and animal life, water scarcity, and pollution and the impacts have not only compromised biodiversity but have also posed significant health risks to communities dependent on these water sources.

“The practice has mostly led to the destruction of aquatic plants and animals, water scarcity and pollution, increased risks of waterborne diseases, increased erosion and the collapsing of river banks as well as biodiversity loss. Riverbed mining is also among the factors contributing to displacements in some communities living along rivers and has also affected local economies dependent on e.g. fishing and tourism,” NECJ highlighted.

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The economic fallout from riverbed mining has been profound, particularly for communities that rely on rivers for their livelihoods.

The NECJ highlighted how local economies, especially those dependent on fishing and tourism, have suffered as a result of the environmental degradation caused by the mining activities.

The organization also stressed the importance of promoting sustainable mining practices through stricter regulations.

Such measures, they argue, are vital to ensuring that the environment is protected while also safeguarding the interests and well-being of local communities.

“Promoting sustainable mining practices through regulation is critical in ensuring environmental sustainability and protecting local communities against some of the adverse effects associated with mining. In this respect, coordinated efforts between local communities and duty bearers are essential to address the adverse effects of riverbed mining,” the NECJ added.

While the Cabinet’s decision marks a significant victory for environmental advocates, the NECJ underscored the need for effective implementation of the ban.

“We call upon authorities to ensure effective implementation of the law. The involvement of local communities in this respect cannot be overemphasized. On its part, the Network for Environmental and Climate Justice shall continue to amplify the voices of local communities as part of efforts to promote environmental sustainability. Dissemination of information to local and marginalized communities is also at the core of our work,” the Network said.

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