Monday, September 16, 2024
HomeNewsCCC Councillors Spearheading Land Invasions in The City

CCC Councillors Spearheading Land Invasions in The City

Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Councillors have been fingered in yesterday Commission of inquiry into governance of the City session as the land barron grabing land using proxies and selling the illegal subdivisions and then pushing for regularisation.

Commission of Inquiry also revealed that land was being sold but the was city not benefiting while councillors would push rhe council to make a resolution for the regularisation of those stands that had been created and sold without going through the normal planning process.

City housing director Mr Addmore Nhekairo, who was also accused the Commission for spearheading the illegal land allocations to top directors and was further accused of failing to deal with the menace of well known land barons grabbing land city-wide.

“The waiting list is not being adhered to. It is obsolete. The non-availability of a computerised waiting list has led to corruption. I agree that the process of regularisation has also circumvented the normal allocation process. The allocation grows in numbers just before and after elections,

“Large tracts of land were sold to people not on the waiting list through issues of regularisation,” said Nhekairo

Nhekairo was also accused for failing to maintain city council flats among them the Matapi hostels which are inhabitable.

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The housing director was also quizzed on the state of social amenities including Gwanzura Stadium which is no longer in use.

“We concede that Gwanzura stadium is not usable, but our action plan for next year is to start fixing it. We have completed Rufaro to a stage where it can host the local premier league,” said Nhekairo

The Commission of Inquiry into the Governance of the Harare City Council chaired by Retired High Court Judge Justice Maphios Cheda was appointed by President Mnangagwa sometime this year.

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