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HomeNewsProtect Children From The Impacts Of Climate Change

Protect Children From The Impacts Of Climate Change

UNICEF and its partners have commended the government of Zimbabwe for incorporating child rights in climate change strategies aimed at creating a clean and safe environment for children.

Addressing a high-Level Roundtable Dialogue on Climate, Energy, Environment and Children, Dr Tajudeen Oyewale, UNICEF Representative in Zimbabwe commended the government of Zimbabwe for putting in place the Clean Green Zimbabwe Initiative aimed at strengthening community capacity.

“I am pleased to release the UNICEF Zimbabwe Climate, Energy, Environment and Children Strategy as our commitment to support the Government and work with partners towards climate action for children and young people. Children must be supported to voice their needs in relation to climate change,” said Dr Oyewale.

Climate change is a national priority for Zimbabwe. In its third National Communication to the UNFCCC, the Government of Zimbabwe recognized climate change as a key threat towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

Minister of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Mangaliso Ndlovu said the need to protect children from the impacts of climate change and pollution cannot be overemphasized.

“We need to bring to the fore specific financing for children to enable long-term resilience building, enhance capacities for adaptation and reduce emissions and pollution. A national initiative of Clean Green Zimbabwe, being launched today, to build climate resilience among the children and communities will be key towards such efforts,” he said.

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In addition, the National Development Strategy 1 of the Government of Zimbabwe notes environmental protection, climate resilience and natural resource management among the country’s 14 priorities to achieving a middle-income country by 2030.

The climate change crisis is a child rights crisis, globally and in Zimbabwe as it threatens children’s right to survival while affecting their ability to thrive.

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