Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeNewsCSOs Call Ziyambi To Order

CSOs Call Ziyambi To Order


Civic society organisations under the banner of the Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition (CiZC) have joined the chorus of voices condemning recent statements by Minister of Justice, legal and Parliamentary Affairs Ziyambi Ziyambi over the High Court ruling into the extension of Chief Justice Luke Malaba’s tenure of office.

In his hard-hitting statement, Ziyambi accused the country’s judiciary of being “captured” by foreign forces seeking to destabilise the government after the High Court ruled it was illegal to extend the tenure of the chief justice by five more years.

But CiZC called Ziyambi to order saying his remarks smacked of efforts by the state to disrupt constitutionalism in the country.

“Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition notes with great concern, the concerted efforts by the state to derail constitutionalism in the country. As Crisis Coalition, we reiterate our concern on the unpatriotic and illegal process of the passing of both Zimbabwe’s Constitutional Amendments No.1 and 2 respectively.

“The annihilation of the constitution for purposes of consolidating authoritarian rule and creating an Imperial Presidency will be resisted. Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi’s display of unbridled impunity in his statement is an indictment on his professional status and a sad moment for constitutionalism. As the Coalition, we implore the State to respect the independence of the judiciary and desist from coercing the courts to pass judgments that support authoritarian interests,” CiZC said.

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The Coalition said it stands in solidarity with the people of Zimbabwe in support of constitutionalism.

“Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition stands in solidarity with civil society organisations and Zimbabweans at large in fighting entrenchment of dictatorship through amendments to the constitution. On our part, we are determined to push for the Zimbabwe Constitutional Watch to promote and demand a culture of constitutionalism in the country.

“Even against Ziyambi’s threats to “poke the judiciary’s eyes”, we join the judiciary, war veterans, workers, students, faith based organisations, women’s groups, youths, the business sector and other patriotic Zimbabweans in support of constitutionalism.” the coalition noted.

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