Bhekasz Shalom Solutions (BSS) Pvt Ltd, a Zimbabwean owned but Chinese based shipping company says it will offer 50% discounts to local medical suppliers who will be shipping their equipment from overseas during the COVID-19 period as part of its efforts to give back to the community.
BSS Chief Executive, Bhekokuhle Dube told 263Chat recently that his company will afford an opportunity to Zimbabwean companies a chance to take advantage of the spiralling costs of shipping which doubled due to the worldwide lockdown, by offering half the normal prices.
“As Bheksaz Shalom Solutions, We are going to be delivering medical equipment at a 50% discount on domestic shipping during the COVID-19 period, tablets pills under 100g will be transported for absolutely free.
“We are also going to offer a platform that allows Zimbabwean online stores to trade easily with their clients. In online business, most deals are always affected by trust between sellers and buyers.
“Hence clients registered to use our service can benefit from the program where we can collect their money from clients who will be in other cities as we deliver the product which would have been purchased by the client,” Dube said.
Since the lockdown, shipping of goods from overseas has been very difficult for most companies, especially for those trading in medial essentials.
Most shipping companies have hiked shipping fees beyond the reach of many, leaving people in dire need of critical supplies in danger.
The company has been delivering cargo to a number of countries that include Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, South Africa, Namibia, Swaziland, Lesotho and Botswana.
Dube said it is in this light that his company has taken advantage of this lapse to be the alternative choice to provide inter-city distribution countrywide.
Apart from distributing goods, the company has managed to create employment for the youths during this lockdown period.