Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeNewsGomba Breathes Fire Over Poor Service Delivery

Gomba Breathes Fire Over Poor Service Delivery

Harare mayor Hebert Gomba has today urged city council officials to up service delivery charging that residents deserve high quality service delivery.

Speaking in the capital at the stakeholders meeting with ward 16 Sentosa residents and the city engineers today, Gomba raised concern on the treatment residents have been subjected to by some council officials.

“We don’t want people who capture office. We don’t want people who capture office after when they are given offices say it is now mine. We want people who understand that they have been given offices to serve residents interests.

“Make use of the council phones to just call residents updating them on the problems they are facing. Its not an issue. If we want to do phone call audits office by office we will expose a lot here.  We may want to do it as an example by doing print outs. We may find out that council phones are used to call girl friends while residents are not being given priority,” he said.

One Sentosa resident Magama Edward who with other residents are currently braving 15 years period without water said the council was prejudicing them by making them to pay for the services they are not getting.

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“We are pensioners and we don’t owe you (council) in fact you are the one who owe us. Right now what he has been explaining (the other resident) is what is happening to us. You send us bills each and every month saying we have incurred so much, like $65 per month. Where has this been incurred when we have at least a month without water? That is the biggest mistake you are making. Why are you sending bills when we are not getting services, why ?” queried Magama.

The incoming councilor for ward 16 Denford Ngadziore told 263Chat that he is doing his best to bring relief to the Sentosa residents as far as provision of water is concerned.


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