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HomeNewsCommission Of Inquiry Condemns Indiscriminate Harassment Of Civilians By Soldiers

Commission Of Inquiry Condemns Indiscriminate Harassment Of Civilians By Soldiers

The Commission of Inquiry into the 1st of August 2018 post-election violence has condemned the indiscriminate beating of members of the public by military personnel who were deployed to disperse opposition activists protesting over delayed announcement of results.

The commission also nailed the military and the Zimbabwe Republic Police  (ZRP) for the death of six civilians and 35 people who were injured on the fateful day.

“The use of sjamboks, baton sticks and rifle butts to assault members of the public indiscriminately was also disproportionate,” said the Commission of Inquiry adding that the military intervention to assist police was justified.

The report also pinned the opposition MDC for inciting rioters, leading to the military deployment on the streets of Harare.

The Motlanthe commission recommended the payment of compensation for all victims of the violence and dependents of the deceased.

“Where the deceased had young children, they should be urgently assisted with school fees and their general welfare,” noted the commission.


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