People with Disabilities (PWD) have called on the government to urgently address the “out-dated” Disability Act and align it to the United Nations Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNRPD) amid concerns of continued discrimination of this key population.
To commemorate the International Day of People with Disabilities, an organisation called Deaf Women took a petition to parliament where it called on legislators to domesticate the UNRPD.
Speaking after handing over the petition questioned why the government is delaying the domestication of the charter, which will go a long way in making sure that PWD are included in all spheres of the economy.
“What’s stopping them from adopting the UNCRPD? We have for long even speaking about it but it has fallen on deaf ears…Our constitution segregates persons with disabilities. How is it possible that when the war vets ask for something, they easily get it but when we do the same, we rarely get anything.
“We have so many minerals in the country, why can’t the government avail just two mines to PWD and we can take it from there,” said Nasper Manyawu from Deaf Women Included
Zimbabwe is a signatory to the UNRPD which states defines discrimination on the basis of disability” means any distinction, exclusion or restriction on the basis of disability which has the purpose or effect of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal basis with others, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field.
It includes all forms of discrimination, including denial of reasonable accommodation
Fidelis Fengu, Secretary General National Disability Dialogue told 263Chat on Monday, which was the International Day of People With Disabilities that government must act swiftly in making sure that PWD have equal access to socio-economic benefits, just like any other citizen.
“Persons with disabilities don’t have much to celebrate in Zimbabwe. Legislatively, we have an outdated Disability Act of 1992 which needs to be aligned with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities.
“We also have no victories regarding self-representation, I will speak from the youth angle in political parties we have no representation, in parliament, we are represented by older folks who cannot relate to our struggles as young persons with disabilities.
“The economy is challenging and imagine the level of the challenge it poses to young persons with disabilities. I know the President ED is acting on it and it will be fine eventually,” he said.
Founder of Hope Resurrect Trust, Florence Mudzingwa said although strides are being made, more still needs to be done.
“Personally I think the Government is taking strides in addressing issues of persons disabilities unlike a few years back where disability issues were barely recognized at a national level.
“Society is embracing disability issues and recognizing their inherent dignity that they are just like anyone else rather it’s their impairment that limits them.
“Looking forward to the day the Government domesticates the UNCRPD,” she said.