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HomeNewsUN Hails Collaborative Efforts on Local Development Projects

UN Hails Collaborative Efforts on Local Development Projects

United Nations Resident Coordinator, Bishow Parajuli has applauded various stakeholders including government and non-governmental organisations for successfully integrating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into their local development projects.

Speaking at the end of a three day to Bulawayo and Matebeleland provinces, Parajuli hailed the UN contribution to local development projects including health, education and social protection among others saying there is need to intensify joint efforts to address the remaining challenges.

“We are happy to note on contributions the UN supported projects and the cooperation with the local administration, Government Ministries, non-governmental organizations and the communities, particularly in integrating the SDGs into local development projects including health, education, social protection, human rights,

“We are equally leaned on the need to intensify joint efforts including the engagement pf private sector to address remaining challenges of providing pupils with adequate school facilities and to scale up ongoing development programmes to support the rural communities achieve their local development plans in the shortest time possible,” said Parajuli.

UN supported the construction of a pharmacy in Bulawayo’s Tshabalala area while embarking on a human rights outreach in Ntabazinduna.

The UN visited United Bulawayo Hospital (UBH) where through the Global Fund, UNDP supported the construction and provision of fittings for 350 m2 pharmacy cold chain facilities in Tshabalala Clinic and an incinerator at the NatPharm warehouse.

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Noting the impressive progress made to complete construction of the pharmacy warehouse, UNDP Country Director, Georges van Montfort said “These improvements contribute in improving health services at the referral hospital, including intensifying the ongoing efforts of combating HIV and AIDS.”

HIV prevalence in Zimbabwe has decreased by 24% over the last decade and is on course to achieve the global 90:90:90 targets by 2030.

Currently 74% of people living with HIV know their status, 87% of those who know their status receive treatment and 87% of those on treatment have their viral load suppressed.

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