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HomeNewsLIVE UPDATES: President Mugabe Interface Rally

LIVE UPDATES: President Mugabe Interface Rally


Today, President Robert Mugabe will have his second interface meeting with Zanu PF youths in Mutare, Manicaland. The first interface was held in Marondera, Mashonaland East two weeks ago. 263Chat will give you live updates of the event.

Roads in Mutare were refurbished in preparation of President Mugabe’s visit to the eastern City

0945hrs: President Mugabe is currently in Dangamvura where is set to officially open a Dangamvura Community Information Centre.

Community Information Centre that President Mugabe officially opened in Mutare today

Some of the computers that will be used at the Community Information Centre in Dangamvura Mutare

0954hrs: Sakubva Stadium is fully packed as people from across Manicaland have come to attend the rally

Zanu PF youth members at the venue of the interface meeting

1005hrs: More pictures from the interface meeting

1006hrs: Dangamvura-Chikanga MP Esau Mupfumi says the community information centre is a step towards the realisation of the targets of ZIMASSET

Dangamvura Chikanga legislator Esau Mupfumi (green) and Chipinge East MP and Deputy Minister of ICT, Dr Winmore Mlambo

1152hrs A student leads in singing Zanu PF revolutionary songs

1154hrs Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko arrives at Dangamvura Community Information Centre

Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko arrives at the venue of Community Information Centre which will be opened by President Mugabe today

1157hrs, Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa arrives at the venue of Community Information Centre in Dangamvura

Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa arrives at the Community Information Centre in Dangamvura

1158hrs: Zanu PF Youths Secretary Kudzanai Chipanga arrives at the Community Centre in Dangamvura

Kudzanai Chipanga, arriving at the Community Information Centre in Dangamvura

1222hrs: President Robert Mugabe has arrived in Dangamvura to officially open a Community Information Centre.

1225hrs, proceedings have started at Dangamvura

1229hrs: Mandi Chimene is now addressing the gathering at Dangamvura Community Information Centre.

1230hrs: Mandi says, we had many problems during the command farming season. Some did not get farming inputs says Mandi Chimene

1231hrs: Mandi says farmers are not getting their money on time .it’s a big challenge for us says Mandi Chimene to Pres Mugabe

1232hrs: We want to revive our dairy industries in Manicaland says Chimene

1233hrs: Youths want land Mr President says Mandi Chimene

1233hrs: War vets want more land says Chimene

1234hrs: If I continue advocating for war vets, some people will accuse of being drunk and smoking says Chimene

1236hrs: Food for work was a success but it’s not sustainable says Chimene

1237hrs: We had more than 50k cases of malaria. There were 68 deaths Chimene adds

1237hrs: Unemployment is leading to drug abuse by the youths says Chimene

1238hrs: We want to promote tourism …we want to revive our aerodrome says Chimene

1239hrs: Baba it’s not healthy to have a divided part .we have people who are pretending. The party is worried says Chimene

1239hrs: Most people are waiting for your downfall. They can’t wait for you to go..this is bad for the party says Chimene

1240hrs: I know I will be labeled names but that won’t deter me from telling you the truth says Mandi Chimene

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1240hrs: This fighting must end says Chimene

1250hrs: ICT Perm Sec Samuel Kundishora briefing Pres Mugabe on ICT development

1253hrs: There have been 80 community information centers says ICT Minister Supa Mandiwanzira

1253hrs: 1300 schools will be empowers with Internet says Mandiwanzira

1258hrs: President Mugabe takes to the podium, “Congratulations on this information center. We hope you will use it for Developmental purposes,” says Pres Mugabe

1300hrs: We hope you will work with the ministry of Education. We want children to be empowered thru ICT says Pres Mugabe

1301hrs: We hope you will work with the ministry of Education. We want children to be empowered thru ICT says Pres Mugabe

1302hrs: Some people are abusing the Internet. That’s our main worry. Don’t use Internet to insult others says Pres Mugabe

1309hrs: We don’t want disunity in terms party. We sit and talk about such issues to achieve our goals says Pres Mugabe

1309hrs: Those who are trying to cause havoc within the party, are doing it at their own will. -Pres Mugabe

1310hrs: We will discuss the issue of disunity during the Sakubva rally says Pres Mugabe

1311hrs: We want to applaud the work being done by POTRAZ, says Pres Mugabe

1314hrs: You should maintain this place. Keep it in good state. Find ways to develop it says Pres Mugabe

1315hrs: Pres Mugabe has ended his address on Dangamvura

1315hrs: Pres Mugabe hands over one of the computers in Dangamvura

1439hrs: We are experiencing network problems.

1440hrs: Zanu PF Youth Secretary Kudzanai Chipanga is now addressing the interface rally

1440hrs: Chipanga says President Mugabe will die in office the same way that Dr Nkomo and muzenda did #Mutare
1441hrs: Chipanga says you are the only one fit to be President says Chipanga #Mutare
1441hrs: Chipanga repeats his statement that Gushungo is an angel Gabriel #Mutare
1442hrs: Chipanga says the purpose of this meeting is to support you in 2018 #Mutare

1443hrs: Come 2018 we  will have one candidate, angel Gabriel Mugabe says Chipanga

14:45hrs: We want the youths to register to vote. Every youths must register to vote
14:45hrs: A clever youth must register to vote. And a clever youth will vote angel Gabriel Mugabe says Chipanga
14:45hrs: The youths are clamoring for farming inputs because they are being sidelined says Chipanga
14:46hrs : We thank you for the Youth bank which will be giving out loans to youths : Chipanga
14:46hrs: We don’t want foreigners to be given first preference on the dualisation project says Chipanga

14:49hrs: We must have unity within the party. Unity will see us home in 2018, says Chipanga
14:49hrs: Tsvangirai has conceded defeat because he is yearning for a coalition says Chipanga
14:52hrs: Grace Mugabe is now on stage.

1452hrs: She says youths must be united

14:53hrs: These meeting will make the party united
14:53hrs: We have an upper hand . If we were to go for elections today, we will win because we have unity says Grace as she ends her speech

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14:53hrs: President Mugabe is now on the podium
14:53hrs: Amid song and dance by the ZanuPF youths
14:53hrs: Mugabe : thank you mdhara auya. …wild cheers
14:53hrs: We thank you for supporting the youths. It shows the party ha has a future
14:53hrs: I’m one of the few remaining old politicians. God chose me to lead the youths

14:55hrs: The war wouldn’t have been a success if there was disunity. We were a united front says Mugabe
14:56hrs: If people were concerned about leadership, we wouldn’t have conquered during the war, says Mugabe
14:57hrs: We wanted the whites to leave the country because their were oppressing us, says Mugabe

15:01hrs: We are not against the church. We thrived during the war because we were a united front with the church
15:01hrs: Do not commit adultery adds Mugabe

15:15hrs: We had land resettlement which was also meant to decongest people in the rural areas says Mugabe
15:15hrs: We gave 20% of land to the war vets .They should not cry foul says Mugabe
15:15hrs: We were not only concerned about giving people land.we were also concerned about employment
15:15hrs: Children of war vets who did not have education qualifications benefited as we employed them
15:15hrs: It should be noted that war vets are not the only ones who fought the war

15:23hrs: Let’s not just criticise the government. Let’s appreciate some of the good things that it has done says Mugabe
15:24hrs: We should embrace the command programme being led by VP Mnangagwa

1529hrs: We wan to move away from importing maize. We want to see see a bumper harvest thru the command program says Mugabe

1530hrs: Although we are taking long to mine diamonds, we will not forget the promises made to give back to the community says Mugabe

15:34hrs: We are here in Manicaland. This is a significant place as it brings fond memories of the war
15:34hrs: I don’t want the elders to destroy the unity among the party youths
15:35hrs: There are some leaders who are using youths for selfish reasons
15:36hrs: Chipanga you are following our values. We were not bribed to cause disharmony when we were young

15:37hrs: Mugabe says don’t be bribed by cars. We want to uphold our party values
15:37hrs: Mugabe says some leaders are using money to buy loyalty of the youths .we are against that
15:38hrs: If you (Chipanga ) are used , you will be setting a bad precedence, says Mugabe

15:48hrs: Those of us who are clamoring for top positions should leave the youths out of this mess
15:48hrs: Let’s leave them to organize their programs the way they desire
15:49hrs: Let’s not make our youths to betray the struggle

15:49hrs: Mugabe says “I thank you for the showering me with praises”
15:49hrs: I will do my best to be the best I can be, says Mugabe.
15:50hrs: He says, I will remain the same today and tomorrow
15:50hrs: I’m not a president of the whole country. I will never forget that the people of Zimbabwe need our assistance

15:51hrs: Mugabe says, “We try by all means to do good. When we fail well it happens”
15:51hrs: But I’m happy we are doing well as a united force, says Mugabe
15:51hrs: Those who want to see regime change will never win, says Mugabe
15:52hrs: Mugabe says sanctions won’t hurt us if we remain united
15:52hrs: If we remain united, we will achieve the goals of the command programme, says Mugabe
15:53hrs: Mugabe attacks opposition coalition, says, we will give one blow to the coalition
15:54hrs: Mugabe has ended his address

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