Sunday, September 8, 2024
Home#263ChatCattle Farmers Get Training, Rearing Certificates

Cattle Farmers Get Training, Rearing Certificates

More than 100 farmers from across the country  on Friday received Nurture Educational Trust cattle rearing certificates at a ceremony held in Mt Hampden, Mashonaland West after undergoing a one year intensive training aimed at promoting good cattle husbandry practices to boost the beef industry in the country.

Guest speaker at the event, Vuchirai Gappah said farmers who completed the training now understands animal language and are set to increase the country’s beef production.

“Farmers were taught on the importance of good genetics in production, how different breeds adapt to different environments, the advantages of cross breeding in beef production and how one can use a simple visual condition score as a herd reproduction management tool.

“Perhaps the most important quality in our field is patience: cattle production is medium to long term endeavor that requires years and years of what seems to be unrewarding effort before one achieves or even sees results. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that we lay the foundation today for the work that will be rewarding in the future,” said Gappah.

Farmers who spoke to 263Chat said they will teach their neighbors on good animal husbandry programmes.

“We have been incapacitated with some basic skills and knowledge in cattle rearing. Not only am I able to make sure that my cattle are kept well, but I’m now aware how to make a business out of them.

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“Before this course, I used to think cattle are kept for beef only, but I’m now able to make money out them. So this was an eye opener for me,” said Berinos Sadzauchi, a cattle farmer from Kwekwe.

NET has trained over 200 farmers drawn from every cattle-farming district of the country, in consultation with the Department of Livestock Production and Development (LPD).

The course comprised of five modules; Nutrition, Breeding and Reproduction, Animal Health, Cattle Handling and Cattle Farming as a Business.

The beef programme is set to benefit those communities traditionally reliant on cattle farming.

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Multi-award winning journalist/photojournalist with keen interests in politics, youth, child rights, women and development issues. Follow Lovejoy On Twitter @L_JayMut

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