Sunday, September 8, 2024
Home#263ChatNERA Youths Condemn ZEC, State Security Agents

NERA Youths Condemn ZEC, State Security Agents

Youths from various political parties under the banner of National Electoral Reform Agenda(NERA) have castigated Zimbabwe Electoral Commission and other state institutions for stalling electoral reforms in Zimbabwe saying they are being used to further Zanu PF’s political agenda.

By Moregiven Sithole

In a statement released today, NERA Youths said instead of being independent; the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission(ZEC) and the State Security Agents have been hijacked and are being used by the ruling Zanu PF party to further its selfish political agenda.

“The electoral system in Zimbabwe has become a mechanism of legitimising Zanu PF’s continued reign. The voice and will of people remain far from being respected ,elections are rigged ,violence is used,the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission has clearly proven to be an extension of ZANU PF, armed forces interfere with  elections and there is no action whatsoever from the responsible authorities,” said NERA Youth Chairperson Tawanda Kalonga  in a statement.

Kalonga took a dig at Zimbabwe’s judiciary system for trying to silence the opposition parties  through unfair prosecution adding that there was no independence to celebrate as there is no freedom 37 years after the country was freed from the Smith regime.

“Far from being the custodians of the law the courts have become ZANU PF centres of torture and persecution to any voice of dissent,’’ said Kalonga adding that media freedom and freedom of expression remains a pipe dream.

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The NERA Youth Chairperson who is a member of Transform Zimbabwe(TZ) challenged the youths to stop Zanu PF from another term in office by actively participating in politics.

“We have suffered enough at the hands of ZANU PF and we can’t fold our hands and just lament in vain,we thus challenge all the Zimbabwean youths home and abroad to take a stand and say enough  is enough  you have lied to us for 37 years but not anymore”, he thundered in a statement.

National Electoral Reform Agenda (NERA) is a grouping of more than 18 opposition parties pushing for electoral reforms ahead of the 2018 watershed elections.

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