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HomeNewsStanbic Bank Donates $25,000 in Sun Protection Products to Support People with Albinism

Stanbic Bank Donates $25,000 in Sun Protection Products to Support People with Albinism

Stanbic Bank Zimbabwe has extended its ongoing support to people living with albinism by donating sun protection products worth $25,000 to the Albino Charity Organisation of Zimbabwe (ALCOZ).

The financial institution handed over 1,000 units each of sunscreen lotion, antibacterial soap, antiseptic liquid, lip balm, and sunhats to aid those in need.

Stanbic Bank Head of Brand and Marketing, Palmer Mugavha, highlighted the bank’s dedication to the cause, stating that this donation marks nine years of partnership with ALCOZ.

“Our partnership with ALCOZ is well calculated as Stanbic Bank fully understands the challenges people living with albinism face throughout the year, particularly during the hot season,” Mugavha said.

He highlighted the importance of providing sun protection for those with albinism, who are especially vulnerable to the harmful effects of the sun due to the lack of melanin in their skin.

Albinism is a rare, genetically inherited condition that affects people worldwide, regardless of ethnicity or gender. It results in a lack of melanin in the skin, hair, and eyes, which increases sensitivity to sun exposure. Sunscreen lotions, special oils, and lip balm are essential to protect the skin of those living with albinism, particularly in harsh economic times.

ALCOZ Projects and Programmes Manager, George Mafararikwa, praised Stanbic Bank’s unwavering commitment to supporting people with albinism.

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“Stanbic Bank, our major partner in this worthy cause, has stood by us all these years in support of our initiatives. We in turn, as ALCOZ, always see to it that Stanbic Bank’s hand is extended to marginalized remote areas such as Binga in Matabeleland North, Matobo in Matabeleland South, Chiredzi in Masvingo, Gokwe in Midlands, and many more,” said Mafararikwa.

The donated products will play a significant role in improving the quality of life for those living with albinism, particularly in remote regions.

Mafararikwa stressed that the donation would help the beneficiaries better integrate into their communities, allowing them to go about their daily tasks with the confidence that their sensitive skin is protected from harsh weather conditions, exacerbated by climate change.

“This support from Stanbic Bank resonates well with one of our programmatic themes, ‘Melting Under the Dying Ozone,’ which focuses on mitigating the effects of climate change on persons with albinism. We thank Stanbic Bank and the entire team for their continued compassion towards the albinism community for the past nine years,” Mafararikwa added.

Mugavha further noted that this donation is part of Stanbic Bank’s broader Corporate Social Investment (CSI) strategy, aimed at giving back to the communities in which the bank operates.

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Stanbic Bank’s CSI initiatives focus on four key pillars: health and sanitation, education, the environment, and sports.

Stanbic Bank’s longstanding support of people living with albinism has solidified its role as a key ally in addressing the unique challenges faced by this marginalized group, with hopes that the partnership with ALCOZ will continue to grow in scale and impact.

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