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Prebunking Misinformation: The Role Of Local Authorities

The Role Of Local Authorities

A few weeks ago, a video of women fighting for water at a borehole was trending on social media.

The comments on the video showed a divided audience where some blamed the Government, and some blamed the local authorities. This pointed out that people did not have enough information on the role of local authorities in Zimbabwe.

Local authorities in Zimbabwe play a critical role in the governance and development of communities. Defined by the Constitution of Zimbabwe and the Urban Councils Act, these authorities are tasked with various responsibilities, including service delivery, community engagement, economic development and regulatory functions.

Local Government is a lower level of public administration that uses constitutional and delegated powers and functions to manage local affairs and provide services through a body of elected representatives at a local level called a council.

According to the Constitution of Zimbabwe, Chapter 14 provides the local government system. This explains why the Government of Zimbabwe established local authorities for several reasons, which include bringing the Government closer to the people by giving them access to their leaders, enhancing the provision of services such as roads, water, waste management, education and health, to facilitate community participation in decision making and resource allocation and to facilitate the equitable allocation of national resources.

It is important to note that Local Authorities are free to govern themselves and control their own affairs, but they are not independent. They can make rules and decisions as long as they do not breach the rules and statutes of the country. They also have to explain what they are doing to the central Government.

Governance and Administration

Local authorities are at the grassroots level of governance in Zimbabwe and manage urban and rural areas. They operate within a framework set by national policies and laws, ensuring that local governance aligns with national interest while addressing community-specific needs like access to safe and clean water.

The Constitution of Zimbabwe underscores the importance of decentralisation, granting local authorities the power to govern their areas autonomously. This autonomy is crucial for fostering responsive governance that reflects the unique characteristics of each economy.

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Depending on whether they govern urban or rural areas, local authorities consist of elected councils headed by mayors or chairpersons. Through regular elections, communities can choose their representatives, enhancing accountability and transparency.

Service Delivery

One of the primary mandates of local authorities is to ensure the delivery of essential services to their communities. These services include water supply, sanitation, waste management, public health, housing and infrastructure maintenance.

In a country where access to basic services is often a challenge, the role of local authorities becomes even more critical. Local authorities are responsible for planning, implementing and managing these services. For instance, they must ensure that all residents have access to clean drinking water, which is a fundamental human right. In urban areas, this often involves managing complex water supply systems.

In contrast, local authorities may need to collaborate with national agencies to improve access in rural areas. In addition to water and sanitation, local authorities are tasked with waste management, which is essential for maintaining public health and environmental sustainability. They implement waste collection and disposal systems, educate communities about proper waste management practices and enforce regulations to minimise pollution.

Community Engagement

Community engagement is a cornerstone of local governance in Zimbabwe. Local authorities must involve citizens in decision-making processes, ensuring that governance is participatory and inclusive. This involvement can take various forms, including public consultations, community meetings and feedback mechanisms.

By fostering community participation, local authorities can better understand the needs and priorities of their constituents. This approach not only enhances the legitimacy of local governance but also empowers citizens to take an active role in shaping their communities. When residents are involved in the governance process, they are more likely to support local initiatives and hold their leaders accountable.

Disaster management

In recent years, the importance of disaster management has become increasingly evident in Zimbabwe. Local authorities are integral to disaster risk management and response, working to prepare communities for potential emergencies such as floods, droughts and disease outbreaks.

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Local authorities should develop disaster preparedness plans, conduct risk assessments and engage with communities to raise awareness about potential hazards. Their capacity to respond effectively to disaster is vital in minimising loss of life and property. Local authorities can enhance resilience and ensure a more effective response during a crisis by coordinating resources and facilitating community involvement.

Regulatory functions

Regulatory functions are another essential aspect of local authorities’ mandate. They have the power to create and enforce local by-laws that govern various aspects of community life. These include regulations related to land use, public health, housing and environmental protection.

For example, local authorities should be responsible for issuing building permits and ensuring that construction complies with safety and zoning regulations. By enforcing these regulations, local authorities can prevent illegal developments and protect the interests of residents. Moreover, they are crucial in promoting sustainable practices such as waste reduction and environmental conservation in Zimbabwe.

Understanding the role of local authorities makes it easy for citizens to hold them accountable; however, there is a need to note that all local authorities are the responsibility of the Ministry of Local Government because the Minister is accountable to Parliament for their activities. The Ministry, therefore, performs a monitoring role over urban councils through attendance at council meetings, analysis of minutes and reports, monitoring visits and systems audits. The Minister also provides advice on regulations and sanctions to local authorities.

The Minister also facilitates local authorities in their activities by providing a sound legal framework for operations, mobilising resources and coordinating government ministries to assist councils. The Minister also promotes this by advocating for local authorities and intervening in disputes between councils and clients.

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