Thursday, October 17, 2024
HomeCourtsFormer Aspiring Zanu PF Chirumanzu MP Off The Hook

Former Aspiring Zanu PF Chirumanzu MP Off The Hook

Former Aspiring Zanu PF Chirumanzu MP Regis Maburutse is off the hook after the State declined to prosecute him in a matter he is alleged to have connived with Prolific Auctions to sell a Toyota Land Cruiser short base worth US$40,000 and a spray booth worth US$15,000.

The matter was declined at the Harare Magistrates Court vetting office.

Maburutse was being charged with theft of motor vehicle together with Wayne Williams. The two are Directors at a local company Matebeleland Engeneering Pvt Ltd.

This follows after Tony Renato Sarpo, a former director of the same company, claimed ownership of the Toyota Land Cruiser.

However, following investigations, the State indicated that its evidence against the accused persons is insufficient to prove theft of the motor vehicle because there was “no intention to permanently deprive the complainant of the vehicle.”

“It therefore means evidence of theft is very shallow. Therefore may the prosecution be declined.”

The background of the case is that Sarpo alleged he left his properties, including the vehicle in question, at Yagden Engineering company premises.

The State failed to prove that Maburutse and Williams unlawfully took the motor vehicle and sold it at auction.

This conclusion comes after investigations were carried out, and the accused, who is said to have bought the vehicle, denied buying the same. He stated that he purchased a scrap vehicle and not a Land Cruiser.

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